
#6 "Barry Sanders"

Nobody really understands why Barry retired when he did. He was so close to breaking Walter Payton's record , so close to being on top of every record for running backs in the NFL, so close to immortality. But, his retirement gave him a different kind of immortality. Everyone wonders what could have been. He was definitely one of the best RBs in the history of the game, but everyone wanted to see him become the unquestioned best. I guess we'll never know what could have been.

I think the same is true for this blog. Undoubtedly one of the best blogs ever. Some people even think it's the best of all time. I guess we'll never know. I'd like to take this moment to announce the retirement of The Lewis Report. It has been a fun 5 days, and they will be treasured dearly. But, all good things must come to an end. And that end comes today. Good bye and God Bless.




#5 "Michael Jordan"

I know, I know, I already used this picture in an earlier blog. If you're really upset about this, I have three words for you: "Get over it." His "Air-ness" just took off from the stinkin' free throw line and you're mad because I used the same picture twice. Who do you think you are? Hopefully nobody feels that way, because I might have to hurt them. I mean, I can't even make a shot from the free throw line, this guy jumped and dunked from there. Unreal.

Sorry for that little outburst, but I felt it was necessary. Anywho, thanks to everyone who came out yesterday. I have some big news. We have officially gone international. The blog has been viewed on multiple continents (North America & Asia), 8 states (OK, AR, NM, CA, FL, IL, TX, & KS), and countless lives have been changed. Today will be more of the same. We are about 500 views short of the 1000 view goal. Only 3.5 days to get there. Make it happen. Thanks for all the comments, I love all of them.

On a more somber note, you guys are jerks. The winner of the poll "What should I eat for dinner Thursday night" was, hands down, the free 72oz. steak from the Big Texan. Seriously? It was a joke. Every person who voted for that is a loser. No way am I going to eat 4 and 1/2 pounds of steak, a baked potato, roll, side salad and a drink. That's the only way it's free. You have to eat all of it. On top of that, you only have one hour. You guys are sick. I'm eating a PB&J just to spite everyone that voted for that nonsense. From now on I'm going to "jerk-proof" my polls. Thanks a lot.

Back to Michael Jordan. Here's the deal. I could spend about, oh, the next 6-7 days trying to write about everything he has accomplished. How, I actually cared about NBA basketball while he played. Which is a pretty huge feat. How he is the best player ever. I don't want to hear any of this LeBron and Kobe nonsense. They are good, probably some of the best the NBA will ever see, but Jordan was on a different level. He might have even a different world than everyone else. So, I'm not going to sit here and tell you how awesome he was. You should already know. I do, however, want to talk about what he did for the shoe industry. Maybe not as a whole, but definitely in my life.

I'll be honest, I have a problem. I love shoes. If I had any kind of money or didn't have to eat, I would have a sweet shoe collection. But, unfortunately, I'm relatively poor and like to eat, and can only dream. That is exactly what this blog is about. All the shoes I dream about. So, here we go...

I have to start with the man behind the dream and today's blog: Michael Jordan. Let's take a stroll down memory lane and look at his outrageously sweet shoe line starting with of course the first shoe to ever be banned from the NBA...

Ok, I know it's hard to even want to think about seeing any shoes besides those for the rest of your life, but let's take a look at some other shoes that I think are worthy of a look or two. Let's stay in the basketball realm. Here's a look at Scottie Pippen's first cool shoe. And his second. One of my personal favorites, the old Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway shoes. I also wanted some of these, in a bad way. Never was crazy about Shawn Kemp, but those were sick for Reeboks. Jason Kidd had some nasty shoes too. Absolutely loved them. I have a roommate who is obsessed with Lebron so I feel obligated to show you these. Those are really the only LeBrons I liked. The new Kobes are pretty awesome. You should check those out. I used to really want a pair of these. The zip up Gary Paytons. Vince Carter, Larry Johnson, Kevin Garnett, Charles Barkley, and Chris Webber all had some pretty fly shoes as well.

Outside of the world of basketball shoes, Ken Griffey Jr. had maybe my all time favorite shoes. There were also pretty sweet football players that had ridiculously awesome shoes. For instance, Deion Sanders, Bo Jackson, and Barry Sanders. I also have to mention Andre Agassi and his sweet Nikes.

Well, I feel like I've talked enough about my shoe addiction. It's your turn now. Let me know if I left any out. Tell me about your favorite pair of shoes. Ladies, don't feel left out, I want to hear about your favorite shoes as well. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed today's blog. Talk to you tomorrow.




#4 "Nancy Kerrigan"

Today I've decided to take little detour from usual "superstar athlete" centered blog and focus more on a true American Icon. Where to begin with Mrs. Kerrigan? She is the true embodiment of the will to overcome. Some of you may remember a little incident she had with Tonya Harding before the 1994 Winter Olympics. I mean, she, ok, I can't do this anymore, I tried to take it as far as I could. I'm kidding.

Wow, sorry about that. Seriously though, if you ever see a blog start with a figure skater and you think it's serious, you have some major issues.

Ok, let's refocus here. Time for the real blog....

#4 "Michael Vick"

Let me start by saying thanks to everyone who has come out to the blog so far. I love all the comments and votes on the polls. You guys are awesome. We met the goal of 300 views by midnight last night. You can check to see how many people have looked at the very bottom the page. The next goal is getting to 1000 views by midnight Sunday night. I have faith that we can do it, so let's make it happen. We're still working on getting John Mayer to Twitter about the blog. It shouldn't be too long before he comes through.

I chose Michael Vick as today's featured athlete because I wanted to focus on epic fails.

Here's a guys who was supposed to be one the greatest QB's in the league. He signed the biggest NFL contract to date at one point, had Nike make him his own shoe, and just made people look silly.

But, all good things must come to end. Unfortunately for Vick, this end wasn't retirement or winning the Super Bowl and going to Disney World, it was being sentenced to jail for running an underground dog fighting ring. Which, in my eyes, deserves the slogan "Epic Fail."

That's really all I have to say about Michael Vick. But, he does lead me to an important announcement. I have decided to make Wednesdays a very special day in the blog. I am going to deem this day and every other hump-day: "Current Event Wednesdays."

Because this is both the inaugural "Current Event Wednesday" and April Fool's Day, I thought I would start off with a pretty hilarious current event. Keep in mind, this is not a joke.

Some of you may be familiar with infomercial superstar Vince Offer, real name Vince Shlomi. He is the pitchman behind infomercial successes ShamWOW! and the Slap Chop food chopper. Well, apparently Epic Failure isn't reserved for superstar athletes. Vince Shlomi was well, I'll just let Wikipedia do the talking...

Are you kidding me? What has the world come to? The craziest thing is though, when police arrived on the scene, Vince wasn't using a famous ShamWOW! to clean up the mess. Instead, he had taken a Snuggie and was using that clean the crime scene (Ok that was a joke). As Jim Rome might say, Un-Be-Liev-Able. I guess Billy Mays was right about ol' Vince Shlomi.

Now, it's your turn. I want to hear some awesome stories of Epic Fails, maybe a great April Fool's day prank you pulled off, your favorite infomercial of all time, memories of Michael Vick and Nancy Kerrigan, etc. You get the idea. Leave some comments, suggestions, ideas. See you tomorrow.




#3 "Charles Barkley"

First of all, a major "Thank You" to everyone who came out to the blog yesterday. We are around 210 views over the past couple of days, which is phenomenal. Thanks to all the people who left comments and voted to determine which song I would wake up to this morning. "Senorita" by Justin Timberlake provided a wonderful start to my day this morning.

No shout out from John Mayer's Twitter yesterday so, unfortunately, the blog is still a failure. Not completely, but close. Seriously though, someone has to know John Mayer. Maybe not directly, but like a close friend or something. I will blog until he Twitters about this blog, and that's a threat.

Also, a quick shout out is in order. If you haven't checked out Jamie's blog "Meet Mr. McFly" you need to. The black Kanye high-tops are ridiculous.

Now, back to Barkley.

Where do you start with someone like Charles. You could start with the fact that he was the NBA's Most Valuable Player in 1993, played for the Dream Team in 1992 and 1996 where they outscored opponents by an average of 44 points per game, was vote to 11 All-Star games, named the 1984 SEC Player of the Year, or many more things he accomplished over a long illustrious career.

I, personally, like to remember Charles by his famous Nike commercial. The one where he goes on and on about how he isn't really a role model. About how dunking doesn't have anything to do with raising children or something along those lines. Watch the commercial, you'll get it. Anyways, in my opinion, Charles has never spoken any truer words. He is absolutely not a role model. I'm not just saying this either. The man has, quite possibly, the most horrendous golf swing of all time. He recently spent some time in the slammer for drunk driving. And last but certainly not least, he has an outrageous gambling problem. Did I mention the golf swing?

Sorry for that little rant about Charles Barkley, I don't really dislike the guy, but he was a means to an end so I could talk about what I wanted to. Which is, of course, Las Vegas.

I'd like to take this opportunity to tell a little story. It's the story of three boys who went to Las Vegas for Spring Break. I won't bore you with the long drawn out story about how all but one of the boys came home with a little less money in their wallets, instead I'd like to tell the story of the night the boys spent in La Bayou.

Picture, if you will, a small quaint little casino. Nothing over the top, just good ol' Southern style gamblin'. This immediately peeked our interest, and we entered to try and turn a quick profit. As was the usual, Matt and I sat down and started losing money, rather quickly. Luke, on the other hand, picked a rather unusual slot machine. He had unintentionally sat down and inserted a rather large sum of money into a senior citizen bingo style machine. Feeling totally uncomfortable, and appropriately so, he went to cash out and move to a different machine. Something we had failed to notice upon entrance to the casino was the apparent lack of sophisticated, up-to-date technology. This became a quick reality when Luke cashed out of the machine. Most normal, newer, machines print out cash vouchers when someone is done playing. In La Bayou, however, the slot machines still paid out in nickels. This probably isn't a problem for most people, but due to the large amounts of money Luke was dealing with, it made for an absolutely hilarious moment when a tremendous amount of nickels came spewing out from the machine. After recovering from the insanity of that moment, we help Luke put his few hundred nickels into another machine. This is where things get interesting. Luke has apparently stumbled upon a one-of-a-kind slot machine, resembling the old Oregon Trail game most of you probably played on an old Apple 2E. This machine then proceeds to spin three eagle's heads in a row. For those of you who don't know what this means, it means lots of money. The machine starts going crazy and spinning on it's own and landing on all sorts of money making combinations. We are laughing and giggling like little children dying of dysentery on the Oregon Trail. After all is said and done, Luke cashes out, in nickels mind you, for somewhere upwards of a quarter million dollars, or so it seemed (number might be exaggerated). By far the best night in Vegas.

For all you doubters, here is some visual evidence of that night's happenings. It doesn't do any justice to the amount of nickels that actually came out of that machine.

That's all I have, now I want to hear your stories about Spring Break '09. Winning or losing large sums of money. Stories about skiing, swimming, working, etc. Maybe some feedback about old Oregon Trail or Apple 2E memories. If you are one of the rare Charles Barkley lovers you definitely need to leave a post.

*This blog does not, by any means, support gambling away you're life savings. Click this link if your gambling is no longer a game.




#2 "Deion Sanders"

Ok, I feel like I may have gotten a little ahead of myself yesterday. I was a bit too excited and just, kind of, rushed into the whole blogging world. My most sincere apologies. Today will be a touch more informative.

First of all, thanks to everyone who came out to the blog yesterday. I think we're somewhere around 75 views, which is about 65 more than I had anticipated for the entire life of the blog. I feel like Sally Field at the 1985 Academy Awards.

Moving on.... as you may have noticed, each day of the blog will feature an athlete that holds a special place in my heart. I'll spend some time talking about the glory days and exactly why I idolize these certain people. Then I'll move on to what that athlete has inspired me to think/talk about for the day. Some of you may not like this format, but I don't really care. That's how it's going to be. As you may have already noticed, there are also some nice links (Sally Field) that you should check out in the blog. These are just little bonus tidbits to keep you interested as you read my pointless, probably moronic thoughts for the day.

Some of you are probably asking yourself, "What's the purpose of this blog?" Well, there are a few things I would like to accomplish. First of all, and most importantly, I want my blog to get a shout out on John Mayer's blog via Mr. Mayer's Twitter. So if you know John let him know my wish and tell him to make it happen. Secondly, I want to utterly dominate Mr. Wheat's blog.

Anywho, back to the main course..... Deion "Prime Time" Sanders.

Where to start? Some of you may be familiar with a certain SNL character named Bill Brasky. I feel like Deion Sanders is the closest thing to a real-life Bill Brasky there will ever be.
  • Play in a Super Bowl: Check
  • Play in a World Series: Check
  • Win a Super Bowl: Check (2x)
  • Be selected to the Pro Bowl: Check (9x)
  • Play in a MLB and NFL game in the same day: Check
  • Defensive Player of the Year: Check
  • Jim Thorpe Award: Check
  • Win the Sugar Bowl: Check
  • Played a baseball game for FSU, Run a leg of the 4x100 for FSU, play another baseball game for FSU: Check
  • Lead the NL in triples in 1994: Check
  • Allegedly run a 4.16 40 Yard Dash: Check
Well, you get the idea. He also made a lesser known music video that you should definitely check out.

All this "Prime Time" got me to thinking about how much I love/am addicted to prime time television these days. I say "these days" but what I really mean is all the time. Everyone has their favorite TV shows of all time list. Just the idea of making a favorite TV show list has prompted me to make my own, right here, right now, off the top of my head, for everyone's viewing pleasure.

Paul's Top 5 TV Shows Ever
  1. Seinfeld
  2. Scrubs
  3. The Cosby Show
  4. Fresh Prince
  5. The Office/30 Rock (Tie)
- Please check out the links for the Top 5 list, you will not regret it. I promise.

First of all, Seinfeld. Enough said.

In a distant second, Scrubs. Scrubs holds a special place in my heart for two reasons. First of all, I was able to attain every season of Scrubs for the extremely low price of approximately $10.00. I spent some time in SE Asia last summer, yada yada yada, I'm watching every season of Scrubs with Vietnamese subtitles every night. Secondly, I like to compare J.D. and Turk's relationship to a relationship I have with my friend Shane. Quite hilarious sometimes, quite ridiculous always.

In third place I have The Cosby Show. If you don't like The Cosby Show, you have no sense of humor.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air comes in at fourth place. The theme song alone got it into the top 5. I mean, it's tough to beat vintage Will Smith. The pick-up lines, famous cameos, tear jerking moments between Phil and Will, jazz being thrown out of the house on a regular basis cement Fresh Prince at the #4 spot in my book.

Finally, The Office and 30 Rock. I'll be honest as to why I have them in a tie. The Office started off extremely hot. If you had asked me a couple of years ago what my Top 5 would have been, The Office may have been #2, but it's been drowning in mediocrity ever since the writer's strike. 30 Rock on the other hand started off really slow in my opinion. I didn't really like it at first. But, after the persuasion of several close friends (Luke) I've come around, and now I watch religiously every Thursday at 8:30 Central Standard Time on NBC.

*Honorable Mention:
  • Lost: Just a little too frustrating to put on my Top 5. It doesn't mean I'm not addicted, because I am.

Now it's your turn. I want to hear some feedback on your Top 5 TV Shows of all time, maybe some awesome Deion memories. Leave a comment, share some criticism, send some hate mail, I don't care as long as you visit the blog and I beat Jamie. I leave you with what some people (me) consider to be the coolest Sports Illustrated cover of all time.




#1 "Ken Griffey Jr."

So, I decided to start a blog. It happened around midnight last night. My roommate Jamie...

and I decided to start competing blogs and see who's could become the most popular over the span of the last few weeks we have in college. I'm going to be honest, I have absolutely no idea what I plan on talking about and absolutely no faith that it will be interesting to anyone besides myself. Anyways, here we go. Ken Griffey Jr...

I'm what some people refer to as a sports nut. It's not something I'm particularly proud of, but it's just the truth. Because of the recent misfortune of my favorite teams (Dallas Cowboys, St. Louis Cardinals, Oklahoma State Cowboys) I've had to be inspired by other happenings in the wide world of sports. Most notably the return of "The Kid" Ken Griffey Jr. to his proper home, the Seattle Mariners.

It's where he spent his first 11 years in the league doing the ridiculous...

It's also where he got his first shoe deal...

Remembering all this and being maybe a bit too excited about Griffey going back where he belongs, made me remember how much I loved to 90's. Not just the sports aspect but the all around awesome-ness that was the 1990's. I'm going to dedicate a few pictures to some things I particularly enjoyed about the 90's. Enjoy.

I'm sure I'll be back to rant about the 90's some other day, but I couldn't think of a better way to start off a blog than with an awesome tribute to the 90's. Thanks for stopping by, and be sure and leave comments about what you loved about the 90's and what you want to hear about in the future. Peace.

